Data transfer

Software and data analyses

PyAcq software

  • Multi-threaded, Python-based data acquisition software with stand-alone GUI and Scanner, each can run independently.
  • Supports the following acquisition modes: one or two-positioner scan, fly scan imaging for macro-mode, step as well as fly scan imaging for micro-/nano-mode, with scaler signals and  Xspress3-Vortex data.

PyAcq powerful features

  • Dynamic ROIs view during data acquisition without delaying data update on the display.
  • Ability to view full MCA spectra from a single point or a defined region during data acquisition.

Data analyses

  • Imaging data exported in HDF5 format compatible with PyMca data analysis software.
  • XAS and μ-XAS data exported in XDI format compatible with Athena/ LARCH softwares.

PyMca software

  • The procedure on how to use the PyMca software for the BioXAS data analyses is shared with our users upon request.

Larch software

Detailed training videos on how to utilize the Larch software can be found here. These videos present visualization and analysis of X-ray Absorption Spectra (XAS, XANES, and EXAFS) with the Larch XAS Viewer application.