
July 26, 2024
Associate Scientist (BioXAS Imaging) - Canadian Light Source Inc. (
Research Highlights
March 20, 2023
Distribution of micronutrients in Aborg Oat (Avena sativa L.) using synchrotron X-ray fluorescence imaging in micro-mode.
Beamline Updates
Aug. 4, 2021
The BioXAS sector was experiencing vacuum issues during the previous cycle. Front End mask was replaced during the spring shut-down.
Research Highlights
March 31, 2021
Data of whole body mouse (model organism) section were collected in Macro-mode at 100 micron resolution and 60 ms dwell time.
Beamline Updates
Jan. 25, 2021
The installed air conditioning system will provide the optimum temperature in the enclosures aiding beam stability over time.
Beamline Updates
Jan. 22, 2021
The constructed wall provides now a separate space for the Spectroscopy and Imaging beamline, respectively.
Jan. 7, 2021
BioXAS Imaging Macro and Micro resolution modes have entered the General User phase and accepting proposals.
Research Highlights
March 2, 2020
XRF images were collected in macro-mode at 40 μm resolution and 250 ms dwell time. Distribution of K (green), Cu (blue) and Fe (red) are presented.
Jan. 14, 2020
Our first BioXAS-Imaging user at the beamline collected data in micro-mode to investigate phytoremediation potential of plants grown at mining impacted site.
Oct. 24, 2019
XRF images representing Ca, Zn, Hg and S distribution in zebrafish. Data were collected as fly scan in micro-mode at 5 μm resolution.
June 2, 2019
Copper uptake in brown algae was studied using fly scan XRF imaging in Macro-mode at 100 μm resolution and 50 ms.
Research Highlights
Feb. 15, 2019
Distribution of Mn and Zn in dry leaves collected in macro-mode at 20, 50 and 150 um resolutions. 
June 9, 2017
Although dry leaves could depict an end, but for us, this image meant a beginning, a start to contribute to science and knowledge.