BioXAS Sector

BioXAS is a newly commissioned beamline sector at the Canadian Light Source consisting of three beamlines. The wiggler beamlines, BioXAS-Main and BioXAS-Side, are dedicated to X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy (XAS). The third, undulator beamline, BioXAS-Imaging, is a multi-resolution X-ray Fluorescence Imaging beamline. The BioXAS insertion devices occupy the same straight section of the storage ring but in a chicaned configuration to allow the beamlines to be operated independently.

The BioXAS-Imaging beamline is a hard X-ray fluorescence imaging beamline with two spatial resolution modes currently in operation. The beamline has a spectral energy range between 5 to 21 keV.

Spectral Range CLS beamlines.png


  Closed for LINAC upgrade



  Closed for LINAC upgrade



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User Portal

Visit the CLS User Portal to submit a proposal, update your project, or request beamtime.


  • Biological Science
  • Environmental Science
  • Cultural Heritage

Examples of research areas

  • Bio-distribution of essential/toxic elements
  • Metals in various brain diseases 
  • Metal-based compounds
  • Metals interaction with organisms in the environment
  • Accumulation, biotransformation, bioremediation


  • X-ray fluorescence imaging (XFI)
  • X-ray absorption spectroscopy imaging (XAS Imaging)
  • X-ray absorption spectroscopy experiments in situ (μ-XAS)